The Dismissal of Charges Against Rob Ford’s Driver – 3 Lessons For Anyone Charged With Drug Offences in Ontario


On Friday May 8th, 2015, the Ontario Court of Justice dismissed all drug charges against Sandro Lisi, the friend and former driver of Rob Ford, the former Mayor of Toronto Mayor. Lisi, and his colleague Jamshid Bahrami, were charged with trafficking marijuana and other related drug charges. Marijuana is one of many substances that are prohibited under the Controlled Drugs … Read More

7 reasons to retain a criminal defence lawyer in Ontario

When approached by potential clients who have been been charged with a criminal offence in Ontario such as assault, theft, fraud or impaired driving, I am often asked what value I can add to their situation.“Why can’t I just plead guilty and get it over with?” they often ask. Some, in an effort to save money, choose to “read up” … Read More